2023 Research Commons Workshop Registration Form - Building a Research Team: Thinking Decolonization, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI) and High-Quality Personnel (HQP) (Part II)

2023 Research Commons Workshop Registration Form - Building a Research Team: Thinking Decolonization, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI) and High-Quality Personnel (HQP) (Part II)

Are you at the point in your career where you're beginning to build your research team, but unsure of where to start? Perhaps you need to expand your team? In our two-part Building a Research Team workshop series we will begin shedding some light on how to decide who you need on your team, the supports they will need and how to properly prepare (fiscally and culturally) for your new research team.

Part II: Hiring, Training, and Compensating HQP
Learn how to:
- Develop good HR practices for hiring, on-boarding and leading a research team
- Embed DEDI best practices into your work and research culture

Emma Yuen
Senior HR Officer, Office of the Vice-President
Research and Innovation

Aimee Mitchell
Research Officer, Faculty of Arts, Media, Performance & Design

Marian MacGregor
Executive Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion

February 16, 2023 from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Link to: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/91607692925?

Meeting ID: 916 0769 2925
Passcode: 870117