Did you know that you can submit a proposal for Mitacs funding anytime, that funding decisions are generally made within six to eight weeks, it is open to all academic disciplines and over 95% of Mitacs applications are successful? Mitacs is a national non-profit organization that promotes collaborative research & development creation by connecting private sector (industry and non-profit) with post-secondary institutions to solve organizational challenges — in Canada and internationally. Mitacs provides matching funds for cutting-edge research, creates job opportunities for graduate students and post-docs, and helps companies and organizations reach their goals. Meet our Senior Advisor, Business Development at Mitacs, Rachel Sung, and learn about the opportunities available through the Mitacs internship program, with a particular focus on Mitacs Accelerate. Mitacs is a national non-profit organization that delivers innovation through supporting collaborative research and development projects between community partners and academic institutions. Rachel works with various stakeholders in industry, nonprofit organizations, and academia to identify the appropriate funding opportunities for R&D and social innovation, and has supported projects of various sizes, ranging from four months to multi-year collaborations. Presenters: Rachel Sung Senior Advisor, Business Development at Mitacs Satinder Brar Professor & James and Joanne Love Chair in Environmental Engineering, Lassonde School of Engineering Janine Marchessault Professor, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design January 11, 2023 10:00 am – 11:30 am Link to: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/95225743750?pwd=NXVPSVFFSHFaOTB0bzBBOHU3ckFYUT09 Meeting ID: 952 2574 3750 Passcode: 507861
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