Have you ever thought about applying for a SSHRC Partnership Grant? Do you know what the application entails and how to begin writing? Join Research Commons as we host a SSHRC Partnership Grant Information Session and learn the nuances of the grant and how to prepare yourself to write the application. There's a lot of work that goes into this grant application, this workshop is a great place to start yours for this year's cycle or one in the near future. Presenters: Dr. Diana Frasca SIRI Specialist, Office of Research Services Dr. Linda J. Peake Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change Director, The City Institute at York University (CITY) Dr. Valerie A. Preston Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change Thursday June 23, 2022 10:00 - 11:30 am Link to: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/95633464186?pwd=MXg1TkZ1cVppaFhWdDNmbDFjbXlFZz09 Meeting ID: 956 3346 4186 Passcode: 486140
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